What Happens if You Do Not Get Post-Surgical

What Happens if You Do Not Get Post-Surgical What Happens if You Do Not Get Post-Surgical Manual Lymphatic Drainage (PS-MLD) After Liposuction/Plastic Surgical Procedures?  Plastic surgery results vary from patient to patient, so Post-Surgical Manual Lymphatic...

The Post-Surgical Twist

The Post-Surgical Twist As you are searching for a Post-Surgical Post-Op Therapist to provide post-op MLD for you, our tip is not to just look at the advertising or how glamorous their office is. Look for a Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist that carries...

Supplements and Plastic Surgery

Supplements and Plastic Surgery Protein, iron, zinc and vitamins A and C can all help your wounds heal quickly and well. Note: These are only general suggestions. Always follow your physician’s post-op pre and post instructions. Keep in mind that all of this should be...


PS-MLD AND POST OP RECOVRY MASSAGE Post-Surgical Manual Lymphatic Drainage (PS-MLD) is a series of modified MLD styles with application of anastomosis, faja compression and foam theory. PS-MLD is not the same as MLD. PS-MLD is a part of The Post-Operative Recovery...

Post-Op Swelling & Brusing

Post-Op Swelling & Brusing Bruising Timeline Bruising after plastic surgery can be ugly, especially the first few days after surgery – and especially when the bruising is in a visible area such as the face. For three to four days after surgery, the bruising will...