Message For Plastic Surgeons
My name is Jasmine Suphattra Duong. I am a Certified Medical Massage Practitioner, CMMP, CMT, CMLDT, CLT and CCST, with specialization training and education in providing Post-Surgical Manual Lymphatic Drainage (PS-MLD) and Rehabilitation Therapies for Aesthetic, Cosmetic, Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery Patients for all recovery stages.
With my unique clinical treatment protocols called, Post-Surgical Manual Lymphatic Drainage (PS-MLD), Pre- and Post-Operative Recovery Massage, and Fibrosis/Scar Tissue Management, we can assist your patients with accelerated recovery. I have mastered post-op massage and recovery techniques. These specialized techniques will rapidly reduce pain, edema, bruising, swelling and skin irregularities (lumps & bumps) in the early post-surgical stage and make the recovery time much shorter.
Your patient’s health and safety are the priority. As a passionate post-op practitioner, I am dedicated to serving your patients with excellent experience, opportunity to optimize their health and improve their quality of living. Understanding each body is different, therefore each patient gets personalized treatment to target their own post-operative conditions and problematic areas to achieve a faster and
more effective recovery.
As post-surgical recovery massage practitioner, I have been caring for patients with elective-post-op surgery recovery to cancer, autoimmune and many other medical conditions such as allergic reaction to medications, genetic disorders and surgeries resulting in side effects of edema, inflammation and swelling. My post-surgical treatment protocols have been proven to significantly reduce recovery time and excessive swelling within all major parts of the body weather it’s from post-surgical complications, medication side effects, lymphedema, lipedema, autoimmune, emotional & mental distress and other physical traumas.
Following your pre- and post- operative protocol and working within the scope of practice massage therapy is important to me. Working hand in hand with you and your patients in conjunction I can provide the best recovery therapies to assist your patients with accelerated healing.
At our office, we work closely with many doctors of plastic surgery and oncology, we have a strict clinical protocol that we follow. Throughout the years continuously, as independent contractors, we have had many honors and privileges of working with several top plastic surgeons as private concierge therapists throughout California and other states.
At American Post-Ops, we DO NOT:
– Drain seroma
– Reopen incisions
– We do not drain fluid outside the body nor provide Incision Drainage (ID), and Lymphatic Express Drainage (LED), OR offer Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage (BLDM)
– Massage directly over surgical incisional lines/wound sites
– To avoid skin and blood supply shearing, we do not massage over sheet/ or faja/compression
– We do not use any type of body contour-machinery to perform PSMLD and PORM/PSRC for patients during stage I. That’s out of the scope of massage therapy practice, IT’S AGAINST THE LAW and unnecessary.
My mission is to help every patient maintain their health at their optimal level, to have the shortest recovery time possible, have the best experience during their pre- and post-surgical recovery process, achieving the most successful “BEST” result from their surgical procedures. In addition, the practices used help to speed up the healing process, minimize the risk of post-surgical complications such as pain, side effects from medication, fibrosis, and scarring tissues.
Thank you for allowing me to introduce myself and share with you what I do. If you have patients that would benefit from my services, please reach out and let me know how I can assist you in helping your patients with post-op related massage and recovery matters. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I would love to hear from you.
How Can We Work Together
If you are a Plastic Surgeon, Neurologist, Orthopedist, General Practitioner, Psychiatrist, Podiatrist, Oral Surgeon, Osteopath, Chiropractor, Dietitian, Nutritionist, Herbalist, or Personal Trainer, Corporate HR, Law Office, Construction Company, etc., please contact us if you see that our services can be beneficial to your patients/clients.
- Post-Surgical Manual Lymphatic Massage is extremely effective in plastic surgery recovery
- Patients can expect up to 50% quicker recovery
- The procedure cleanses your lymphatic system and reduces swelling
- Reducing the bruising caused after surgery
- Increasing removal of cellular debris and other toxic wastes
- Reducing inflammation
- Stimulating the immune system by improving immune cell transport
- Reducing pain and sensitivity
Plastic surgeons frequently recommend manual lymphatic drainage for a recovering liposuction and plastic surgery patient as a part of post-surgical recovery. Post-Surgical Manual Lymphatic Massage after liposuction/plastic surgery, gently moves lymph to areas with functioning lymph vessels..
The soon your patients start with PS-MLD, the better! This type of massage also helps alleviate fluid buildup after medical treatment or illness blocks your lymphatic system. Due to a decrease in post-surgical swelling and scar tissue formation (fibrosis), we strongly believe PS-MLD decreases can assist your patients with shorter recovery time, less physical discomfort and provides patients with optimal post-op results.
How can we work together?
If you would like us to become Subcontractor/Independent Contractor/Preferred PS-MLD Referral Service Provider , we would love to hear from you.
If you would like to build a new massage practice within your office, we can also help you. At your selection, we can customize a massage therapy plan to cater to your patient’s needs and develop PS-MLD and POST-SURGICAL RECOVERY MASSAGE packages according to your preferred protocol.
If you would like to pay for pre/ post-surgical MLD treatment sessions for your patients/clients, please contact/text us. We can perform the treatment in our center, your office or at the patient’s home and bill your practice. As form of payment, we accept check and credit card payments and will email a receipt for your records. Please contact us for our billing/EIN/NPI details.
If you would like to refer your patients to us, please share our information with them. We will do our very best to care for your patients.
If you are an attorney and need PS-MLD for plastic surgery patients, medical massage services for your clients, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist your clients so they can get back on track of wellness with speedy recovery. We do accept new cases/medical liens/ insurance security agreements on daily basis.